Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My diabetes cured; want to try?

My diabetes is cured; do you want to cure yours?

My diabetes is cured; do you want to cure yours?


The ever increasing number of diabetes patients have already moved this disease to a prominent place in the array of illnesses that cause serious concern to all those who are connected to the field to health. "Diabetes is now an epidemic in India", says an online article. Statistics say that in the near future Indians will form the major portion of the Diabetic population of the world. The disease has already spread to such an extent that a new branch of specialization and treatment namely DIABETOLOGY has evolved and is maturing soon. Some experts predict that Kerala or India will be the “World Diabetic Capital” soon. The following stray thoughts come up when an effort is made to unearth the causes of this situation.

(1) Inappropriate life style and food habits lead many people to diabetes.

(2) Some others fall into the group of diabetics due to genetic reasons inherited from their diabetic parents, ancestors of predecessors.

(3) But the most important reason is something else. It is none other than the fact that diabetes remains uncured for ever! Once somebody contracts diabetes, he/she remains diabetic up to the grave yard. There are no curative medicines or procedures in modern medicine; medicines exercises and dietary regulations available are only to keep diabetes under check.

A different experience

The author has an experience different from what is said above. That is the impetus to scribbling these words here. There is no intention to ponder on the technical details of the types of diabetes and the different age groups that fall prey to it etc in this note since experts have already done it in plenty, world over - both in the web as well as outside. The effort here is only to place on record and share the different experience of the author for the benefit of the society.

The specimen (author) is a common man aged 57 (in 2006) weighing 64 kilograms (141 pounds) and 172 cm (68” = 5’8”) tall. In connection with some illnesses he used to undergo blood test occasionally. One such test on February 25, 2006 showed Fasting Blood Sugar reading (FBS) of 105 mg% and Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) 150 mg%. Another blood test on July 7, 2006 showed an increase to 118 and 197 respectively. The doctor then prescribed a drug and suggested “this is the lowest strength of tablet available. To begin with, take one tab daily. If the Blood Sugar (BS) does not come down after a few days, make the dose twice daily. Even then if it (BS) does not decrease, make it thrice daily. Still if it is not lowered, take it four times daily. Even after taking four tablets daily if it does not respond, we will move to some stronger tabs”.

The physician agreed to the idea of trying out a few dietary regulations before starting the medication, but also warned “after some days of food regulation if the BS do not respond positively, you must start the tabs”. Implementation of food regulations began on the very same day soon after reaching home.

The regimen went like this:

(1) Totally excluded all food items of which sugar is a component (coffee, tea, cool drinks, snacks, biscuits, chocolates, toffees etc.)

(2) Discontinued taking fruits (including jack fruit, mango, plantain, banana, papaya (alias papaw or pawpaw), custard apple etc which are very commonly available in plenty in Kerala).

(3) Breakfast and dinner were substituted with long-wheat kanji (kanji was a typical staple food of Kerala. Generally it is prepared using rice in Kerala. To make it, take the required amount of the grain, boil it in as much volume of water as six times the grain till the grains are sufficiently cooked. Unbroken long-wheat takes ½ an hour in pressure cooker to get it sufficiently cooked).

(4) Started walking exercise for 1 hour daily.

Encouraging progress

After continuing this routine for three weeks, went for blood test on Aug 1, 2006. The result was very promising, was better than what was anticipated. 120-155. PPBS had dropped from 197 to 155 – a reduction of 42mg%. The doctor was consulted with this result.

Studying the result he opined that though the FBS reading had to fall by at least 10mg%, the improvement achieved through the regimen was encouraging enough to hold off medication. He suggested continuing the dietary regulation and walking exercise instead.

B S Falling below thresholds

The next blood test was done on September 1, 2006, one month after having religiously stuck to the food and exercise regulations. The score was an astonishing 100-130. The FBS reading of 110 was what the doctor had proposed as a desirable one. But it had come down even further to 100. (There is no harm in FBS falling up to 80; the range of healthy ones being 80-120). The Doctor advised to keep course of the regulations.

That was easier said than done. In the month just before the blood test all the regulations had gone haywire what with the spate of special occasions and functions he had to ‘grace’ with his presence. Abstinence of the delicacies on such occasions being not so appreciable, kept aside the self imposed restrictions and helped himself to more than a fair share of tea with sugar, cool drinks, fruits like apple, orange, sappotta, besides peanuts, baked biscuits, fried snacks and much more. On a few special occasions like weddings of near and dear ones he downed more food than his usual intake, all that unmindful of the regimen he was adhering to. But the regulations seemed to have already begun its work and it did not let him down. The blood sugar level dropped from 120-155 to 100-130. Body weight remained at 64 kilos.

A bonus

During this time a very important spin off also was noticed. A long lasting constipation varnished completely. This certainly shall be a great relief to many. This happens because the unbroken grain (long-wheat) is cooked and consumed with its inner skin (bran?). This is a bonus!

Blood sugar rising up again!

As a result of the confidence given by the low blood sugar levels he, began eating daal, vada etc. and took some sweets during Onam celebration as well. The blood test on Sept. 12, 2006 showed 100-155.

Burnt the fingers

It was at that time that he read in an article that “apples and oranges were harmless for diabetic people also”!! After all, an apple a day was supposed to keep the doctor away, the good old lines reminded. So he started buying them and eating on a regular basis; one each daily, if small or medium size or half if large. That proved to be an undoing of things. The blood test result of October 4, 2006 showed a further increase: 120-160. Even then we continued taking oranges/apples since it was supposed to provide several essential micro nutrients to our body. By next monthly test on November 7, 2006 sugar level had moved up further: 121-166?!

Learned the harder way

Following this he decided to rather keep the proverb aside and stopped taking apples/oranges. After another month the blood test on December 7, 2006 recorded a decline in sugar level: It reached 91-115.

Event though the BS level was reduced considerably he did not change the routine except taking coffee/tea with sugar occasionally. On December 24, 2006 he attended a feast and took vegetarian meals with plantain fruit and 3 desserts (payasams). On December 30, 2006, he attended another feast and the non vegetarian lunch included fruit salad, ate cake on X’Mas & New Year days.

Pleasant surprise

In spite of all these, blood sugar on January 2, 2007 had dropped further to 80-98, the lowest since the start of the whole process (His pancreas must have regained its lost vitality by this time). FBS 80 is the reading of a healthy person. Good. This is good. But PPBS generally does not fall below 120 even in healthy people. As far as my limited knowledge goes, PPBS falls below 120 only in those who are under medication for diabetes - either tabs or insulin injection.

Any how, he decided to continue avoidance of sweets intake and stick to the long-what Kanji. But due to the presence of guests during the first week of that one month period, he had to eat chocolates, cake, pudding (pineapple dream), and also some fruits.

Taking long wheat breakfast and dinner continued for a few more months, till the purchased wheat was exhausted. Even then one hour walking, avoidance of sweets and periodical blood tests continued. Satisfactory test results followed all the while.

Switching to HbA1C test

During the routine quarterly checkup and consultation on January 20, 2009 he asked the cardiologist ”why do the BS tests done on same day in different labs give different results? How do we know which is the correct one?” He replied “different methods are available for blood sugar test. The results given by different labs can vary depending on the procedure they follow as well as the reagents they use. But no test will give result that is grossly wrong or incommensurate to the actual blood sugar level. Now another test is available. It is called Hb A1C – glycosylated haemoglobin test. It gives the average level of blood sugar for the preceding three months. If the result is below 7% it is considered to be safe. This test will give the same result irrespective of the lab where it is done.
. That day it showed 6.3% Next on Apr 22, 2009 it came down to 6.1% and on Jul 25, 2009 to 5.9%!!!

Then and there he got the test (Hb A1C - (HPLC in D 10 Biorad)) prescribed by the doctor and had it carried out in the hospital lab. That day’s (January 20, 2009) result was FBS; 108, PPBS: 161, Hb A1C: 6.3% (reference range: 4.5%-6.3%). The next quarterly test (Apr 22, 2009 ) showed HbA1C: 6.1% and the next (July 25, 2009) quarterly test gave HbA1C: 5.9% reading.

Proof test

In between, on July 08, 2009 he visited 10 homes of his family unit along with the parish vicar between 6 PM and 10.30pm for annual house Blessings; he being the unit coordinator. Out of courtesy they had to take at least one item each from every house – plantain fruit, coffee, tea, cool drinks, cake, chips, etc. Since there was a marriage and feast to be attended the next day he decided to subject his pancreas to a proof test. Hence he took a heavy breakfast (not long wheat) and consumed all dishes served in the lunch (wedding feast). (It reads like a what is what list: banana chips (oily) sarkkaravaratty (banana & sweet), one dozen side dishes (curries, including a sweet one), rice + daal + pappad + ghee, rice + daal sambar, milk-ata-payasam (very sweet porridge) + plantain fruit, banana fruit payasam (very sweet), booli + semiya paayasam (both sweet items), rice + pulissery (a curry made with curd), rice + butter milk, etc. Lunch began at 12.15 noon and he finished his meal by 12.30 pm. He then proceeded to a lab and took a blood sample at 2 pm. The test result was available by 2 hrs from then. It gave a real surprise. The moment of reckoning ticked away as if for ages and at the end of it the score was a golden figure – 100 mg%!!!

It gave the sweet taste of a long awaited success, sweeter than all the sweets he had bitterly avoided all these days.

Please note.

The quarterly test on July 25, 2009 gave FBS: 108, PPBS: 74, HbA1C: 5.9%. The reply to the question about FBS more than PPBS was that it does happen some times for some ones and it is nothing abnormal.


1. Buy & use only unbroken long-wheat lest you should be cheated.

2.If blood sugar does not start decreasing in a month, avoid smoking & liquor if you are in the habit of having them.

3. Monitor blood sugar regularly - FBS & PPBS atleast monthly and HbA1C quarterly.

4. If already on tab. or insulin inj. monitor blood sugar more frequently, preferably daily at least. Else one may slip into low blood sugar problem (hypoglycaemia?).

5. Neglecting any of the above eight points (four of regimen and four of caution) is similar to removing one of the legs of a table.

Preparing the food supplement suuji goothamb kanji

Preparation for cooking FOOD SUPPLEMENT

In case of difficulty or inconvenience to chew, the kanji may be mashed utilising mixie as required.
Scientific proof

Subsequently, to prove the cure scientifically, he decided to go for a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) and had it on Sep 10, 2009. From FBS 85 mg%, with an oral glucose load of 75 gms it went to 155 at 1/2 hr, to 160 at 1 hr, came down to 135 at 1.5 hrs, to 100 at 2 hrs and to 90 at 2.5 hrs!!!
According to endocrineweb (http://www.endocrineweb.com/diabetes/diagnosis.html) and Wikipedia this result shows that his diabetes is cured.

In order to make things doubly sure, he took a second GTT at another lab (of an NABH accredited hospital). That test corroborated the first test result. A graphical representation of both the GTT results confirming CURE.



Background of this experiment/study will be continued there soon