It was seeded while residing in a lodge (room #20, Chandragiri) near statue jn, Trivandrum (Kerala, India) during 1972-77 period. Vellyachchan (Late Dr. J.V.Thachil, Angamali, brother of the author's mother) used to pay a visit when ever he came to Trivandrum in connection with activities of Ayurveda Mandtalam. The author had interest in the details of this disease (diabetes) much earlier because his father, mother and two cousine brothers were diabetic long long ago. On one such visit, during breakfast the author said 'it has been heard that SOOJI GOOTHAMB is good for diabetics and that it will cure the illness' and asked 'is it correct?'
He replied 'yes, it is correct. It is clearly told in Aayurveda books. No name is mentioned for the illness; only symptoms are given'. Then he recited the relevant stanza of a poem in Saanskrit. It means 'take Sooji goothamb for the illness of sweet expulsion through urine', he added.
Then the author continued 'modern medicine & science experts opine that diabetes is incurable and diabetics have to get tamed to live with it. The extent of starch content of wheat as well as rice are approximately the same, so wheat will not provide any special benefit to diabetes patients. Wheat being less tasty, intake will be less leading to reduced starch input which in turn will give a misleading indication of a reduced level of diabetes. Wheat does not actually improve the situation.'
Uncle's (Dr. J.V.Thachil) response to this was 'even though the starch content of different types (species) of rice and wheat are approximately the same by extent, are different by quality. Thats why different species of rice like Athiyan, Chitteeni, Navara, Vattan, Pokkaali, Erumakkari, Basmathi, Chambaavu as well as Common wheat and Long wheat are having different taste.'
After a pause he added 'Even though we have several varities of rice, Navara is the only (?) one that is used in Aayurvedic preparations/therapies.'
These ideas were baked in the mind's kiln of the author ever after. This process brought out several new and convincing ideas.
The difference between common wheat and long wheat [] as well as between different varities of paddy/rice is not only in taste. They as well as their plants are distinguishably different in shape, colour, size and contents.
Most (or all) the qualities may be undetectable, indistinguishable or insensitive to lab tests. More over since modernscientists are unaware or not convinced of the ability of long wheat nobody would have ever made any attempt in that direction. It appears to be worth mentioning that the qualities or features of Aayurvedic preparations and herbs are not discovered or established through laboratory tests or experiments. They have been in use probably throughout India millenniums ago.
These revelations convinced the author that intake of long wheat will cure diabetes and it is nothing less than a fact. This made him suggest the use of long wheat to several diabetic friends. But (unfortunately) all of them ignored the suggestion of the incompetent author since the opinion of experts of modern science & medicine mentioned above (that it is incurable bla bla bla) was deep rooted in them.
It is at this juncture that the All Powerful and Most Merciful God gave the author an opportunity to test it in his own body! It pleased him!! Praise the Lord!!! This enabled him to prove physically and factually what was convincing (to him) only as an idea. Now it has become convincable (to others). He is not sure whether the diabetes of every one is curable with long wheat. It has to be tested. Since it is not a costly affair, hope it will be realised.
He is on that job now.
He replied 'yes, it is correct. It is clearly told in Aayurveda books. No name is mentioned for the illness; only symptoms are given'. Then he recited the relevant stanza of a poem in Saanskrit. It means 'take Sooji goothamb for the illness of sweet expulsion through urine', he added.
Then the author continued 'modern medicine & science experts opine that diabetes is incurable and diabetics have to get tamed to live with it. The extent of starch content of wheat as well as rice are approximately the same, so wheat will not provide any special benefit to diabetes patients. Wheat being less tasty, intake will be less leading to reduced starch input which in turn will give a misleading indication of a reduced level of diabetes. Wheat does not actually improve the situation.'
Uncle's (Dr. J.V.Thachil) response to this was 'even though the starch content of different types (species) of rice and wheat are approximately the same by extent, are different by quality. Thats why different species of rice like Athiyan, Chitteeni, Navara, Vattan, Pokkaali, Erumakkari, Basmathi, Chambaavu as well as Common wheat and Long wheat are having different taste.'
After a pause he added 'Even though we have several varities of rice, Navara is the only (?) one that is used in Aayurvedic preparations/therapies.'
These ideas were baked in the mind's kiln of the author ever after. This process brought out several new and convincing ideas.
The difference between common wheat and long wheat [] as well as between different varities of paddy/rice is not only in taste. They as well as their plants are distinguishably different in shape, colour, size and contents.
Most (or all) the qualities may be undetectable, indistinguishable or insensitive to lab tests. More over since modernscientists are unaware or not convinced of the ability of long wheat nobody would have ever made any attempt in that direction. It appears to be worth mentioning that the qualities or features of Aayurvedic preparations and herbs are not discovered or established through laboratory tests or experiments. They have been in use probably throughout India millenniums ago.
These revelations convinced the author that intake of long wheat will cure diabetes and it is nothing less than a fact. This made him suggest the use of long wheat to several diabetic friends. But (unfortunately) all of them ignored the suggestion of the incompetent author since the opinion of experts of modern science & medicine mentioned above (that it is incurable bla bla bla) was deep rooted in them.
It is at this juncture that the All Powerful and Most Merciful God gave the author an opportunity to test it in his own body! It pleased him!! Praise the Lord!!! This enabled him to prove physically and factually what was convincing (to him) only as an idea. Now it has become convincable (to others). He is not sure whether the diabetes of every one is curable with long wheat. It has to be tested. Since it is not a costly affair, hope it will be realised.
He is on that job now.